Frequently Asked Questions

Over the past several months as we have spread the news of traveling with friends and family, we have been asked some of the same questions by different people.  For those who may be thinking the same thing, we’ve compiled a few of those questions here.

Why Africa?

For most people when they think of Africa there is an image that appears in their mind.  Each person imagines something different, the Sahara, Victoria Falls, the Nile, ancient pyramids, an animal-filled safari and the list continues.  For us, we see Africa as all of these things and more and can’t wait to discover parts of it that we never even imagined existed.

maria tico holding a world

Maria and Tico thinking about traveling

Where will you stay?

Each place will be a different answer.  Sometimes we will be on a stranger’s couch or in their spare room (Couchsurfing) and others we will be in hostels.  There will be times we are in a tent and the occasion where we want to splurge and stay somewhere special, i.e. a hotel.

mexico tulum rustic cabana

Our rustic honeymoon cabin in Tulum, Mexico

How will you get from place to place?

For the most part, we will be on public transportation.  In most countries that will be a bus although we might get on a train at times.  We’re also hoping to make our way on a boat to get across to Madagascar.  And we’ll likely have to fly across Somalia and Sudan to make it to Egypt.  To start it off, we’ve decided to rent a car in South Africa although we’ll see how we adapt to driving on the the left side of the road.

crossing river bridge Semuc Champed Guatemala

Crossing a river in Semuc Champey, Guatemala

How will you get money?

As carrying around wads of money or out-of-date traveler’s cheques aren’t the best ideas, we plan to rely on plastic money.  While we know we won’t be able to pay with credit cards or have access to an ATM every place we go, we can use the cards to access each country’s currency as we move.  We’ve done the research over the years and chose Schwab for our debit card as they reimburse all ATM fees.  United Explorer was selected as our credit card of choice as they don’t charge any foreign transaction fees.

Any question we left off that you’d like to ask us?

Please send us an email or leave us a comment below and we will be happy to answer.