Botswana in Review

Note: Due to a reader’s suggestion, the above gallery are snapshots of videos taken with the GoPro not previously shown on the blog.


Things we’ve learned

Wildlife is highly protected, which is also why there are so many animals in the country.  There is 1 elephant for every 15 people in Botswana.  They also have made the tourist industry (for international visitors) expensive in an attempt to not overpopulate the parks.  The beef industry is well established, which makes the cost extremely low.  In a small town, it cost 24 Pula per kilo for rump, which is just over $1 per lb. or $2.4 per kg.  They also happen to have the fastest growing economy in the world.  Interestingly, the agriculture industry does well considering more than 80% of the earth is sand.  There are no fences around or inside parks to allow for free roaming of the animals.  The buffalo fence is the only separation between domestic and wild animals, but it is damaged in multiple places.

Botswana by the numbers

  • 2284 kilometers driven in 4×4 truck rental
  • 12 towns visited
  • 3 National Parks visited
  • 1 UNESCO World Heritage sites visited
  • Meds used: 38 antimalarials
  • 4 hitchhikers picked up
  • Items replaced: Binoculars
  • Items broken: Tico’s waist buckle on backpack

Roam to Discover Awards


Botswana in review


Overall helpful tips:

  • Be aware of foot and mouth controls when traveling from South to North.  No raw meat from hoofed animals is allowed to cross.
  • The roads will leave you wanting more and a 4×4 is required for some national parks.
  • Make sure you have gasoline and know when you can fill up again.  There are stretches of 200 kms without gas stations.
  • Be prepared to break your budget, but it’s definitely worth it.